Friday, November 23, 2007

Fall Revere

There are many times that I feel 'behind the times', but this is the time of year in Texas that brings so many wonderful things ... The leaves change. The cold comes. And so do the holidays, and thankfully for me, it is at this time that the family feels more like love than 'family' ... which is inexplainable.

Acorns fall on carports like Chicken Little's warning of the coming season. Paul Fall Revere. We had our first freeze last night. I brought the cactus inside.

I'm what you could call a sucker for the season. I even love the song Silver Bells and Elvis' Blue Christmas. The season of giving has just begun, so bring on the cheer.

The pumpkin patch is one of the many holiday happenings that I adore. This year, I went to the Elgin Pumpkin Festival. When we arrived, there was a sign that read:

"Sorry, No Pony Rides
Due to Death in the Family
Our Prayers are With Them"

I knew you would want to see pictures.

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There's a lot going on out in Elgin. Those folks are some real movers and shakers. Acres of urban development...

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Caged wild beasts...

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And well, pumpkins. The festival seems to be a pretty big event around those parts. All the locals trimmed their mullets, loaded their strollers and made a big to-do about the whole thing. I felt like I was the only one who didn't have cousins there.

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I dragged love along with me. He enjoyed himself, though he may not admit it. (The kiddies and swing sets in the background is where you'll find the humor.)

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The eternal anticipation of The Great Pumpkin

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