Birthdays: Me, Jesus and 2008
In the winter of 1982, in a sleepy Pennsylvania town, a great compromise developed. The traditional celebration of one December birth would now be two. Fortunately, this Jesus character is really great at sharing. Supposedly he’s an advocate for it. In this twenty-fifth year of compromise, 2007 was no different. I celebrated MY birthday here in Austin with friends, tequila and bread pudding.

In case you were wondering, that is what I look like when you put bread pudding in front of my face along with a candlelit birthday jingle from my choralcronies conspirators.
… and my theme song for a twenty-fifth year …
Though I can’t speak for Jesus, I think it’s a good possibility he either celebrated his birthday in an exclusive VIP pearly-gated club, or maybe in solitude in that cave behind that boulder that sometimes moves.

As for me, I flew up to Michigan for Christmas to spend some time with the fam.

We’re a beer drinkin sock wearin kind of folk. Best kind to be. Even Grams is getting down.

My cousin Luke schooled me in some air hockey. He’s three, and already a heartbreaker. For his young age, he’s already acquired many talents besides air hockey—for instance an expert knowledge of NASCAR stats and drivers, unmatched wrestling strength …

… and he’s quite possibly the most efficient opener of presents in the known world.

The New Years Baby also made his yearly appearance last month, and this year I really got to thinking about the tradition of resolutions. When faced with a burning question of ‘What does it all mean?’ I find it most helpful to consult two of my most valued resources: the dictionary and The Beatles.
When consulting my first source, I find myself well on the way to truth and enlightenment. One definition I found for resolution is “the conversion of something abstract into another form.”

Though it may have some physics-based meaning directly, I believe that this definition, above many others given for the word, most accurately describes my ideal new years resolutions. I could say that I’ll quit drinking on weekdays, kick smoking in the butt, spend less time lounging and more time exercising…. But will any of these vice sacrifices truly bring resolve? I did not make it through another year just to make the coming 365 days harder on myself by taking away the things that enabled me to come so far. The coming of a new year isn’t lent, and who of us is truly willing to ‘fast’ if you will, for an entire year, let alone 40 days? I say, this year, instead of naming your vices as enemies, dig to the real issue: change.

The Beatles had it right. They were talking about change, but their story was of a fight for change and the process of it. They said they had a real solution, not simply a decision. They want change too, but their resolution was a revolution.
You say you want a resolution, well you know… We all want to change the world.

Did a little dance. Made a little… -CENSORED-

Speaking of love, he and I made our own rendition of a POW hostage video, (and why would you bring in the new year doing anything else?) Good times.
Shortly after the New Year celebrations, some new and old friends came in town for an Austin visit, hailing from hideouts between Dallas and Denver. Not quite sure how to describe those moments…

Smitty christened the creepy rocking horse swing set … way to go Smittster. No one else has touched it to this day. Very gutsy move, my friend.

Mason, Smitty and Zoltar had a beard-off. I’m gonna have to give this one to the man with all the answers. When it comes to facial fro, his is a force to be reckoned with.
Now that we’re ankle deep into a new year, I’ll be catching up on the usual…

… Laundry …

… Friends …

… Bars …

… and enjoyingduring the long harsh winter weather here in my great city.

In case you were wondering, that is what I look like when you put bread pudding in front of my face along with a candlelit birthday jingle from my choral
… and my theme song for a twenty-fifth year …
Though I can’t speak for Jesus, I think it’s a good possibility he either celebrated his birthday in an exclusive VIP pearly-gated club, or maybe in solitude in that cave behind that boulder that sometimes moves.

As for me, I flew up to Michigan for Christmas to spend some time with the fam.

We’re a beer drinkin sock wearin kind of folk. Best kind to be. Even Grams is getting down.

My cousin Luke schooled me in some air hockey. He’s three, and already a heartbreaker. For his young age, he’s already acquired many talents besides air hockey—for instance an expert knowledge of NASCAR stats and drivers, unmatched wrestling strength …

… and he’s quite possibly the most efficient opener of presents in the known world.

The New Years Baby also made his yearly appearance last month, and this year I really got to thinking about the tradition of resolutions. When faced with a burning question of ‘What does it all mean?’ I find it most helpful to consult two of my most valued resources: the dictionary and The Beatles.
When consulting my first source, I find myself well on the way to truth and enlightenment. One definition I found for resolution is “the conversion of something abstract into another form.”

Though it may have some physics-based meaning directly, I believe that this definition, above many others given for the word, most accurately describes my ideal new years resolutions. I could say that I’ll quit drinking on weekdays, kick smoking in the butt, spend less time lounging and more time exercising…. But will any of these vice sacrifices truly bring resolve? I did not make it through another year just to make the coming 365 days harder on myself by taking away the things that enabled me to come so far. The coming of a new year isn’t lent, and who of us is truly willing to ‘fast’ if you will, for an entire year, let alone 40 days? I say, this year, instead of naming your vices as enemies, dig to the real issue: change.

The Beatles had it right. They were talking about change, but their story was of a fight for change and the process of it. They said they had a real solution, not simply a decision. They want change too, but their resolution was a revolution.
You say you want a resolution, well you know… We all want to change the world.

Did a little dance. Made a little… -CENSORED-

Speaking of love, he and I made our own rendition of a POW hostage video, (and why would you bring in the new year doing anything else?) Good times.
Shortly after the New Year celebrations, some new and old friends came in town for an Austin visit, hailing from hideouts between Dallas and Denver. Not quite sure how to describe those moments…

Smitty christened the creepy rocking horse swing set … way to go Smittster. No one else has touched it to this day. Very gutsy move, my friend.

Mason, Smitty and Zoltar had a beard-off. I’m gonna have to give this one to the man with all the answers. When it comes to facial fro, his is a force to be reckoned with.
Now that we’re ankle deep into a new year, I’ll be catching up on the usual…

… Laundry …

… Friends …

… Bars …

… and en